Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Irony in the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe Essay

Irony in the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe - Essay Example There are several instances where the author uses obvious irony in the story. For instance, notes that Montresor uses the word â€Å"friend† to refer to Fortunato. Ironically, he uses this term to refer to a man that he hates so much that he wishes could be dead. Another use of irony is obviously evident in the motto on Montresor’s coat of arms. Ironically the motto is an explicit warning to Fortunato, but Fortunato does not fully comprehend this fact. Other instances where the author uses irony include when Montresor toasts to Fortunato’s long life. Additionally, the masonry dialogue is obvious use of irony ( para.4). The author also uses subtle irony on several instances. For instance, towards the end of the story, Montresor felt his heart had grown sick. However this was not due to the remorse he felt from the cruelty of his actions, but due to the extreme dampness of the catacombs, which had become too much for him. Subtle irony is also evident almost throughout the story’s dialogue. The story’s conclusion is evidently ironic in the sense that irony fails to be possible any longer when Fortunato is finally aware of everything that is going on ( para.5). The author uses verbal and dramatic irony in numerous instances in the story to develop suspense, add some sense of macabre humor, and foreshadow the story’s ending. This is evident in the title, Fortunato’s name, Fortunato’s costume, and the author’s reference to mansions. The story’s title, cask, means a wine barrel. It is derived from a similar root word that forms casket, which means coffin. Therefore, the story’s title figuratively represents his casket. Another example of irony in the story is in Fortunato’s name. The name literary translates to luck or good fortune in Italian. Ironically, Fortunato is always unfortunate and headed to his death. Similarly, Fortunato’s costume is ironic because he dresses like a court jester,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Iraq War and Osama bin Laden Essay Example for Free

Iraq War and Osama bin Laden Essay The United States of America has failed in its endeavors with Iraq. Looking at the current situation in Iraq, there were so little, or no improvement at all ever since America waged a war on â€Å"terrorism,† pointing the finger to Iraq. When it was planned to train Iraqi soldiers so that they could â€Å"defend† themselves, leaving them to the hard work in their own backyard, one thing has been overlooked. Training a small population of Iraqi’s to defend or fight for their welfare is not the solution, hence it could further lead to something worse. It is only adding fuel to the fire, igniting the civil war Iraq is experiencing in its backyard (Bereuter, 2004). It will only increase the horrifying truth of the Iraq war, and its negative effects on the humans – death, starvation, poverty, and hatred of its own countrymen. It also has its toll on economy, pestering both Americans and Iraqis. There are various variables to consider when you talk about this war. These are the dependent and independent variables. The first variable that is a proof of the war’s failure was the increasing death toll. It is a rather dependent variable on the war because it is directly affected by the war itself. The military death toll have greatly increased, wasting the precious lives of the soldiers willing to do any of the President’s bidding. Non-Iraqi workers and contractors death toll has also doubled, bringing fear in the hearts of those who wish to work in there. The insurgencies and Iraqi resistance has then risen in a great number of times since the war has started. Death is the biggest price that both sides will pay in this Iraqi war. Roughly a lot of Iraqis have died defending their country – or fleeing it. U. S. -trained Iraqi police and National Guards were unable to protect the people, to provide safety for everyone, as it was promised by the United States government. On the other hand, not only were the United States losing the war in Iraq, they are also losing precious lives of the soldiers fighting for a lost cause. More than a thousand American soldiers and their families have suffered the consequences of the Iraq war. If death wasn’t enough, it also caused a tragic change in the economy of both countries. Both countries have increasing number of bodies being piled on the ground. Another dependent variable is insurgency. It is a consequence of the United States’ campaign on Iraq. Many people decided to take arms and fight US instead of helping peace to prosper. Insurgency has grown stronger than ever, as it can be seen on the number of deaths and losses from both ends. As the U. S. continues to stay in the Iraqi backyard, the more these Iraqi insurgents would mass up and attack people, the more the problem will continue for Iraq and the US, just like an incurable headache. The Pentagon points out that in November 2003, there were only about 5,000 Iraqi insurgents. But as of September 2004, the number of these people have blown out 400% 20,000. And considering that the number of dead Iraqi resistance fighters were around 24,000, the grim fact is that it is even larger in reality (Lieberman, 2005). An independent variable of the United States war against Iraq was the impact on economy. It is a rather independent factor that you consider because it is not connected to the so called â€Å"campaign against terror. † But whether people like it or not, war has affected the economic situation of the country and the whole world. Not only was this war wasting precious lives, it is also wasting hard-earned money. About 151 billion U. S. dollars went down the drain as the cost of this war continually increases. The money which came from America’s taxpayer’s pockets are surprisingly being wasted on bullets, guns and ammunitions, vehicles, and more, considering that these things are being wasted, and have no real benefit as of late. Ending the war: the price for Osama’s head The United States, along with the United Nations and the European Union have resorted to a lot of efforts in order to solve this problem. This includes empowering a few chosen Iraqis to defend themselves and be able to start a new government. This effort has been considered futile since Iraq as a country is being plagued with internal conflicts – civil wars between various ethnic groups. So if you empower any of these groups, there is a tendency that they would just go against each other, so instead of solving the problem, you are giving them another blow in the head. Another effort which they had resorted to was hunting down the famous terrorist leader, Osama bin Laden (Kirkpatrick, 2004). As the Al Qaeda’s leader, he is considered to be one of the most influential heads of the Iraqi resistance. They think that killing him would mean victory in the Iraq war. They see that his presence – his very existence, is considered to be an encouragement for the Iraqi people to take arms and fight the â€Å"invaders† in their lands. Using the terrorist attacks in the country as an example of what this man can do, the United States government has waged an all out operative to search for bin Laden. The army literally bombarded the possible hiding places for Osama bin Laden, but still returning empty handed. Rumors about his death came out, but the lack of evidence has left the people doubting. What the United States overlooked was not Osama bin Laden is not the problem, so putting him out of the scene was definitely not the solution. Osama bin Laden was only a part, just a fraction of what the US government is up against with. He may be an influential leader, but still, there are other factors that they have to consider if they really want to end this war against Iraq. Iraq is in the middle of a very turbulent civil war; different groups in the country are fighting among themselves for survival, since each of them claims that they can’t live with any of the other groups. It is a communal war, wherein they are slugging it out with other groups; Sunnis fighting against Shiites, Kurds against Sunnis, and Shiites against Kurds (Diamond, 2006). In these groups there are other minorities fighting on multiple front, thus making the war complex. Osama bin Laden as a terrorist icon doesn’t necessarily prove much of an importance, since between these Iraqi’s lies greater conflicts. These conflicts could lead to mass slaughter, thus creating chaos in the global level.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Film Score Music :: Music Films Musical Essays Soundtrack Sound track

Film Score Music To say that music plays a large role in our society would not do justice to one of the most important and popular art forms of yesterday and today. We underestimate the effectiveness and power that music, in any form , can have over even the most insensitive of people. In almost everything we do and see music is involved in some form or another. Be it a piece played at a wedding, a song played on the radio or even the music played in the background in a television commercial. The music is always there, reminding us of past experiences, making us smile and feel exhilaration and sometimes even making us cry. It is this power that music has over us that film score composers take advantage of when they are writing the music to accompany the movies. As listeners we often do not appreciate that the music that is scored for films or played in films is put there on purpose to create a certain feeling, emphasize a point, give more life to a character or sometimes to simply add humour. What the average moviegoer does not usually realize is that a great deal of time and thought goes into writing the score for a film and choosing the background music for a scene. None of the music is arbitrary; themes and sub themes have been created with specific ideas in mind and have been put in place only to add to the story and the characters. It is also important to acknowledge that the evolution into the type of film scoring that we are accustomed to today was not a quick or easy transition. It has taken almost a century to develop the specific techniques that are used in todays films. When the first moving pictures were seen they were known as silent films, although they were not actually silent. They contained a very primitive type of musical accompaniment that laid the foundation for what was to later develop. As time passed the type of music found in films developed into a fine art containing specific guidelines and techniques that most composers tend to follow. The average person does not usually pay astute attention to the music that is being used in a film, however, if it were to not be there the films would seem empty and as if something was missing. The actors, the writing and the direction is what is primarily noticed in a film but the music is the inconspicuous supporter of all

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Life Of Sigmund Freud and His Articulation Of Theories

Sigmund Freud; Probably the most influential activist in the realm of the study of the mind, Psychology; An influence so great that his works, ideologies and theories alike have imposed themselves upon the minds of many in this, the twentieth century, regardless of our acceptance or futile resistance. He was responsible for the articulation of theories and concepts of which everyday individuals do not even know he is the originator of. Ideologies such as the Unconscious, the relevance Sexual and Aggressive Drives under which Infantile Sexuality falls, and the â€Å"tri-partite† mind frame, consisting of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego. Since then, there are multiple manifestations of psychoanalysis in a variety of fields which may be traced directly back to Freud's Original work. Sigmund Freud was born on May 6th, 1856, in Freiberg, Austria (although it is disputed that he may have been born on March 6th instead). He was the first of eight children born to his mother. At age four, Freud and his family moved to Vienna, where he would live and work until he died. His impact and mark would remain there forever, as he was renown for founding the first Viennese school of psychoanalysis from which all aspects and development in this field then flowed. Freud's interest and professional training and experience were very broad. Although he was not particularly interested in becoming a physician, Freud saw medicine as a vehicle for engaging in scientific research. After being enrolled at the University of Vienna for eight years (from 1873), Freud graduated and was then engaged in 1882 later to be married in 1886. Many of his theories were based on clinical material documented while he operated a private practice to treat psychological disorders. Two individuals who played a significant role in his life were Jean Charcot and Josef Breuer. Charcot was a French neurologist who used hypnotism to treat psychologically ill patients. Freud attempted Charcot's methods but were unsuccessful. Breuer was an older Viennese colleague whose methods for treating neuroses, though unique, caught the interest of Freud. Breuer discovered that when he encouraged patients to talk freely without restrictions that he was able to get to the source of the problem causing the symptoms. Freud worked with Breuer and developed the idea that the source of a patient's problems was some hidden or unresolved conflict which occurred in their past life, and the â€Å"cure† was achieved by bringing that conflict to the client's â€Å"consciousness† in a manner in which he/she might intellectually and emotionally confront it. At the turn of the 20th Century, Freud, after a period of self-analysis, published works such as; â€Å"The Interpretation of Dreams† (1900), â€Å"The Psychopathology of Everyday Life† (1901), Three essays on the Theory of sexuality (1905) and â€Å"Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis† (1916). Freud's theories on Sexuality received the most resistance and caused many of his partnerships with other philosophers to deteriorate. The final and yet not any less significant of his works was his model of the mind, consisting of the Id, Ego and Super-Ego. After a life of remarkable vigour and creative productivity, he died of cancer while exiled in England in 1939. It is interesting to note that although he carried out many self-analytic tests, that he was unable to resolve his addiction to cigarette smoking; the very habit that eventually killed him. Although Freud was an original thinker, there were still influences which shaped the development of his thought. For instance, his relationship with Charcot and Breuer definitely impacted upon his thoughts but rather differently, Freud's self-analysis was probably the greatest impact of all on his life. In this period, several repulsive and yet real facts about Freud character and past were revealed to him. These â€Å"truths† were related to his emotions towards members of his family in the aspects of sexuality and hatred and the results thereof. This was to become the basis of his theory of the Oedipus complex. The Scientific climate in which Freud existed in also had great influence on his thought. For instance, Charles Darwin's perception of man, was a life shaking event for people of that time, now making it possible to treat humans as objects of Scientific investigation. Freud with his enormous esteem for science, accepted this implicitly. Another important aspect of Science that impacted on his thoughts was the principle of the conservation of energy – Helmholz stating that energy can neither be created or destroyed but only change in form. Freud then concluded that in parallel with this principle, humans consisted of psychic energy. Repression and Suppression are two examples of how Freud believed that this Psychic energy may be represented. Freud's works and ideas are vast, but among these there are some which the basis of many of his theories are grounded. This is based on Freud's idea that all human actions are a manifestation or a representation of some hidden desire or impulse. Events become conscious when â€Å"unconscious† matter arises into a level of awareness for an individual and then may sink into a state of unconsciousness again. This theory follows that whenever we make a decision, we are governed by a hidden mental process of which we are unaware and have no control. The question arises therefore, do people truly have free will? Freud deeply associated the unconscious with instincts and drives, categorizing those drives into Eros (the life instinct) and Thanatos (the death instinct). Sexuality (any pleasure which can be derived out of the body) is derived out of Eros while Thanatos is the opposite, the urge to destroy any source of sexuality. Freud determined that through satisfaction, or lack thereof, of sexual satisfaction through childhood stages, the individual would develop into a correspondingly appropriate adult. These stages are; â€Å"The Oral Stage† – satisfaction from sucking, â€Å"The Anal Stage† – satisfaction from releasing excrete or urine, â€Å"The Phallic Stage†- interest in genital region (Oedipus Complex may also develop here – hatred of a parent of the same sex), â€Å"Latency† – less pronounced sexual motivation and â€Å"The Genital stage†- genital region becomes focus of stimulation and satisfaction. Freud believed that (in)appropriate treatment is responsible for forming the resulting image of the individual's character and personality. Freud distinguished three structural elements which framed the mind. They are the Id, Ego and Super-Ego. The Id represents the instinctual sexual drives which acquire satisfaction. The Super-Ego represents the conscience which restricts us from satisfying the desires of the Id. The Super-Ego however is shaped by social influence, such as parents. The Ego is the â€Å"conscious† self-created as a balance between the ever struggling fight between the Id and Super-Ego for dominance. The Id and Super-Ego reside in the unconscious. Failure of the Id and Super-Ego to resolve conflict may later form neurosis resulting in the activation of â€Å"defense mechanisms† such as repression, sublimation, fixation and regression. The main purpose of this treatment was to bring harmony within the frame or structure of the human mind by resolving â€Å"unconscious repressed & unresolved conflicts†. Freud allowed clients to lay on a sofa and encouraged them to express themselves freely (through â€Å"free association†), hence to some degree disarming the Super-Ego. By analyzing slips of the tongue dreams and other means of expression Freud believed that one can discern the underlying/unconscious forces lying behind the expression. The next step was to bring the client to a point of self-understanding and assist them in dealing with their past and find a way curing themselves of some neuroses by suppressing it. Of this, I would now like to make special points in conclusion to all the materials which I have researched. Firstly, can these theories be proven to be strongly coherent? This issue has been one of great controversy but the truth is, there is no direct significant or proving link of any of Freud theories other than the â€Å"variable† behaviour patterns of individuals of which any other theories may be attributed. For instance, in science where a cause ‘Y' is unobservable (radio waves) there are still clear corresponding rules connecting the unobservable cause to an observable phenomenon. However, this is not the case with Freud's theories, and in truth the theories are exactly what I earlier declared them as, Ideologies, having absolutely no factual evidence to support them. More importantly however, is the impact of his ideologies on the world today. As Psychoanalytic therapy is in use today, the use of free association and revealing repressed conflicts for intellectual assistance and management seems to be further detrimental to certain relationships in the United States instead of positively influential. Many people have recovered memories of sexual abuse by parents and others which were actually untrue and were some form of a fantasy. Children and adults alike have sued their parents and the parents in turn sued their children and the conflicts continue to develop. Even when patients are â€Å"cured successfully†, statistics prove that these methods of therapy do not outperform other methods. So then is it really that efficient? Doesn't it seem fair also to say that their cure is non-existent and that they can only direct that Psychic energy to a different form? Why also is not possible for that form of energy to be reverted to it's previous state? It then appears that even if this form of therapy was plausible, it really cannot be proven to be steadfast or efficient. Regardless however, one cannot deny Freud's innovative and creative perceptions and thoughts and should in fact seek to see how we can abstract good and gain a greater understanding of behaviour; not only of others but most importantly, ourselves.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Yellow Wolf: The Strong and Wise Cheyenne Indian

The Indian Frontier of the American West tells a story of the different Indian tribes and whites from 1846 to 1890. This period of time is very famous in American history. It produced some of the most widely heard of names in the battles between Indians and whites. These names include Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe, Sitting Bull of the Oglala Sioux, Cochise, Geronimo, and Mangas Coloradas, and John Ross of the Cherokee Nation. These names are still very respected among historians and are seen throughout history books used in schools across the nation. These names were involved in many battles with whites in the middle of the nineteenth century. In this book, Robert Utley describes how many different Indian cultures survived between 1846 and 1890. Utley also spent some time in discussing how Americans felt about Indians. This book also talked about how the American government was run, and how they dealt with the different Indian cultures. This book had a couple of interesting stories in it also. The dozens of cultures depicted in this book really made it somewhat interesting to read. One story that I truly liked in the book was that of Yellow Wolf. Yellow Wolf was an extremely strong and wise Cheyenne Indian. He was a man that was known for his leadership in battles with the Utes, Pawnees, Kiowas, and Comanches. Yellow Wolf also played an important role in helping William Bent, also known as â€Å"Little White Man†, as to where to set up his trading post along the river. After Bent had set up his fort, Yellow Wolf traveled there in the summer. He watched as tens of thousands of white men move in and through the Indian country. This made him worry about the future of his people, something no other Cheyenne leader would even consider for years. In discussing his fears with an army officer he talks of how his people and the buffalo are disappearing. He also says that his people will become extinct unless they change and adopt the habits of white people. Yellow Wolf lived for eighteen years amongst the white man. In his final year of his life, Yellow Wolf watched his worst fears come true. Through all of this, he continued to believe that the only hope his people had was if they learned from the white man. On November 29, 1864, a white man from General Stephen Watts Kearney†s army gunned down Yellow Wolf. He was 85 years old. Another part of the book that I truly enjoyed reading was the section on Grant†s Peace Policy. While Grant served as General in Chief of the United State Army a group of Quakers, know as the Friends, urged him to adopt a new peace policy. This policy was to be founded on Christianity and peace, rather than on force of arms. The policy also called for men of religious conviction to be appointed to agency posts. Grant quickly embraced this idea and pretty soon Grant†s Peace Policy was adopted. Grant didn†t hold any strong convictions about Indians, but he did indicate that: â€Å"Those who do not accept this policy will find the new administration ready for a sharp and severe war policy. † Throughout the entire process, Grant remained as open minded as possible about the peace treaty. The policy wasn†t carefully crafted. It actually came together on its own, and as it took shape it began to have direction and definition. One of the strongest forces guiding Grant was Colonel Ely S. Parker. He had betrayed his racial origins and become a fixture in both the white and Indian worlds. He served as chief of the Senecas and Grand Sachem of the Iroquois Confederacy, and as lawyer, engineer, and soldier for the United States. Prior to the election, Grant relied on Parker more than anyone else when it came to Indian matters. Parker made detailed plans of Indian management that Congress supported and he also served on various commissions and conducted numerous investigations. Parker was so involved and was so respected that after Grant was elected he appointed Ely Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The wars that broke out in light of the peace policy really grabbed my attention. As with all peace treaties there usually will be some drawbacks. The point of the policy was to place all Indians on reservations, where they could be kept away from the settlements and travel routes and where they could be civilized. Indians, on the other hand, did not feel this way. Almost every major battle was fought to force Indians back to their reservations, or to force them on to newly created ones. The combination of battles and diminishing support it once had made the Peace Policy all but forgotten. These wars became somewhat of a regular fixture. Whites wanted all Indians to live on reservations and learn to live like white people. Indians refused to adapt to these new rules so they fought for what they believed in. Overall, I found this book to be less than interesting. My family tree dates back to the Cherokee Indian so I was interested in reading about what Indians actually went through. Robert Utley did a very good job with all of the various illustrations and maps. I especially was intrigued as to the many different pictures of Indians as well as the whites. In reading this book, I learned of yet another race that whites attempted to take over or confine to certain areas. Being a minority helps me keep an open mind to what went on in the past as well as what goes on in today†s society. The struggle that Indians endured in the 1800†³s symbolizes the struggle that some Indians still go through today. Although we do not live in a country where people are forced to live in certain areas, there are some American Indians that still live on reservations because they feel society will not accept them. I did not particularly care to read about all of the whites during that period of time, but I would not have gotten a full understanding unless they were included. I would recommend anyone wanting to learn a good deal about the struggle of the Indian people to read this book.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

MIT Acceptance Letter Real and Official

MIT Acceptance Letter Real and Official SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Each year, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology receives nearly 20,000 applicationsfrom high school hopefuls. Only 8% of them get a MIT acceptance letter.For example, in 2014, MITaccepted 1,447applicants from 18,356 candidates. That’s a small 7.9% admission rate.Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of applicants get a rejection letter. â€Å"I'm very sorry to inform you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ When I was in high school, I was one of the lucky few to apply to MIT and receive an acceptance letter in the mail. This validated years of hard work, especially in the sciences and research. It was inspiring to know that they wanted me to be a part of their amazing community.Here’s my complete, official MITacceptance letter. Want to learn what it takes to get a MITadmit letter yourself? Read my How to Get Into Harvard, MIT and the Ivy League guide. I'll take you through the philosophy behind how to become the world-class student that schools like MIT, Harvard, and Princeton are looking for. You'll learn what it means to develop an application Spike, why being well-rounded is the path to rejection, and how to craft a compelling application yourself. Read this guide now before it's too late. Here's a scan of the original admissions letter sent to me by theOffice of Admissionsat the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Even though I attended Harvard as an undergrad, MIT holds a special place in my heart because I attended Research Science Institute as a high school student at MIT. I also later joined the MD-PhD program at the Health Sciences and Technology program run between Harvard and MIT. You can learn more about RSI in my complete college application. Afterward, I'll give you tips on what it takes for you to get an acceptance letter like this for yourself. Dear Allen, On behalf of the Admissions Committee, it is my pleasure to offer you admission to the MIT Class of 2009. You were identified as one of the most talented and promising students in one of MIT’s most competitive applicant pools ever. Your commitment to personal excellence makes you stand out as someone who will thrive within our academic environment as well as contribute to our diverse community. At MIT, you join kindred spirits: scholars, builders, entrepreneurs, and humanitarians. We believe that you and MIT are very well matched for each other. You’ll our have offers from many fine schools, but we hope that you’ll choose to enroll at MIT. The deadline to accept our offer is May 1, and there’s a reply form enclosed in this packet. Between now and then, though, we look forward to building our relationship with you so you can get to know us better. Over the next several months, we’ll be in touch by email, over the phone and via your MyMIT portal account ( Many of our students believe that the campus visit experience was the deciding factor in their choice to enroll at MIT. Therefore, we’d love to have you be our guest for Campus Preview Weekend (CPW), held on the MIT campus from April 7 through 10, 2005. CPW is an excellent way to experience MIT student life firsthand. You will go to classes, eat the food, listen to hallway conversations, and meet your future classmates. We encourage your parents to attend as well. Please see the enclosed CPW invitation for all the details. If you can’t come to CPW, please try to visit campus before May 1. To make arrangements to stay overnight with an undergraduate host, complete the online request form on the MyMIT website or just call the Office of Admissions at (617) 258-5515. If you are unable to visit the campus at all but are eager to get to know MIT, you’ll have the chance to speak with a current undergraduate soon; an MIT student will be calling you in April. I hope this letter is the one you were expecting and that it brings you the exhilaration you deserve to feel. I also hope that you will take the night off to celebrate with your loved ones. But as a mother, I expect you to get right back to work and finish up the year with top grades, since we don’t admit slackers to MIT and this offer of admission is contingent upon your successful completion of the school year. No senior slump allowed! Finally, I hope you’ll agree with us that MIT is the perfect place to prepare you for your future role in a world that badly needs you. Congratulations and welcome to the MIT Class of 2009. I look forward to seeing you on campus. Sincerely, Marilee Jones Dean of Admissions Compared to the Harvard acceptance letter, this is a lot more casual and informal, which I like. The second to last paragraph is pretty funny. now what? You probably have a reason forlooking at this acceptance letter. Let me try to help you out. If you just received a rejection letter from MIT, I'm sorry. When admissions officers say rejecting students is a gut-wrenching decision, they're being sincere. The good news is that you're in command of your future. There are MIT graduates who end up aimless and frustrated, and there are graduates from many othercolleges (and even people who never went tocollege) who make amazing achievements throughout their lives. You're in control of your own fate. So if you're disappointed about a MIT rejection, I hope you pick yourself up and excel from this point forward. Here's a guide on how to study effectively in collegeand prepare yourself for the future. If you're in high school and plan to apply to MIT, I hope this acceptance letter inspires you to work hard to get your own. Make no mistake, it took a lot of hard work to get to the point where I felt I was likely to pass MIT'stough admission requirements. I knew it was a very technical school, and my math and science game had to be on point. I had tostrategize carefully and spend my time effectively so I could balance a high GPA, the toughest AP science coursework,hightest scores, and challenging extracurricular activities. To help you out,I've written everything I know about succeeding in high school and college admissions. If you want your own Stanford acceptance letter, these are must-read guides: 1) How to Get Into Harvard, MIT,and the Ivy League This is the most fundamental guide to help you understand what top colleges like MIT and the Ivy Leagues are looking for. Here you'll learn: what kinds of students are most attractive to MITand why why being well-rounded is the path to failurein selectivecollege admissions what a Spike is and why an effective Spike will get you admitted to every college, including MIT how you can develop your own compelling Spike Make no mistake: this isn't easy.But in my experience with thousands of high school students across the country, far too many have the wrong idea about what colleges actually want. In the process, most studentswaste far too much time on things that aren't important and do nothing to raise their admissions chances to MIT. Even worse, they feel miserable and hopeless. That's why I wrote this guide. Read it before it's too late - it mighttotally change your high school strategy and get you into MIT. 2) My Complete Successful Application, including Common App and Supplement To complement my "How to Get Into Harvard" guide, I share my entire college application, page by page, word for word. You'll see the exact application that the admissions committee at Harvardsaw, including the Common Application, my personal essays, letters of recommendation, and transcript. Even though MIT uses its own application form, the elements of the application are pretty much the same. Even more importantly, my Spike was deep achievement in the sciences. I ranked #6 in the US National Chemistry Olympiad as a junior, and I participated in Research Science Institute at MIT. Both those things made me a very attractive candidate to MIT admissions. I discuss all these details and how I achieved them here. I've never seen anyone else provide this level of analysis and detail,so I believeyou'll get something out of it. 3) How to Get a 4.0 GPA and Better Grades Your coursework is a critical componentof your college application. Not only do you need great grades, you need great grades in what MITsays is "the most stimulating courses available to you." For MIT, you especially need strong grades in the toughest AP science and math courses. Thus it's no surprise that a lot of high school students are stressed out and anxious. The biggest problems I see in the students I work with are in mindset, habits, and strategy. ThusI've written a complete guide onhow to excel in high school coursework. I take you through three levels of detail, from high to low: Mindset and Psychology: Do you have the confidence to know you can even improve? Are you prepared to work hard? Overall Planning and Habits: Do you make the most out of every hour? Do you understand what teachers care about, and how to give them what they want? Do you know how to avoid procrastination? Individual Class Strategies: How do you excel in English classes? How is this different from math and science classes? I learned a lot of these lessons the hard way, throughout high school and college. This is the guide I wish I had before starting high school. Take the time to read it and you might get better grades while saving hundreds of hours of study time. 4) How to Get a Perfect SAT Score/ How to Get a Perfect ACT Score Besides GPA, theother critical number on your application isyour SAT/ACT score. This score isso important because it compares you to high school students across the country on a level playing field. Top schools like MIT expect you to be in the top 1 percentile of the country. You especially need near-perfect scores in math and science (for the ACT). If you don't show this, MIT will doubt whether you can really thrive in their super tough academic environment. In my perfect SAT scoreand perfect ACT scoreguides, I share the major strategies to boost your score above a 2100 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT - and edge closer to a perfect score. Also, check out my series on getting perfect scores in each of the sections on the SAT/ACT: SAT 800 Series: Reading | Math | Writing- Learn important strategies to excel in each section of the SAT. ACT 36 Series: English | Math | Reading | Science - Learn how to get a perfect 36 on each section of the ACT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Ancient Egypt and Judiac Civilization

Ancient Egypt and Judiac Civilization are two of the three Primitive Civilizations. They lived in different places and they also belived in different religions. The Egyptians were believeing in polytheistic religion.There were lots of Gods and Goddesses they believed. The Egyptians believed that the soul of the dead body travel into the afterlife at their first night after death. They believed the dead body must be mummified to reach eternal life. They also believed that there were a judge after death and if you can pass the judgement, you would have a journey from East to the West to have peace.East was named as Thermopolis and west was named as Heliapolis.At the judgement ;Maat,who was the Goddess of truth, balance and order , was the judge. The heart of the dead person was getting balanced by the feather on Maat’s head. If the heart is lighter than the feather , it can continue to the journey to Heliapolis. If the heart is heavier than the feather , Anubis , who was the guardian of Necropolis , eats the heart. So the soul of the dead body dies forever. For the ones who passed the judge , there is a Book of The Dead .This book is replaced to the curve of the dead person. The aim of the book is to help the dead person to reach Heliapolis. This book is set as a guide or a map. This book is thicker to rich people and there are names on it for the rich people. It is thinner for the poor people and instead of names , people are mentione as â€Å"X† or â€Å"N† for the word â€Å"noble† . Egyptian people had funerary figures named â€Å"shabti†. Shabtis were mentioned in The Book of The Dead at the spell six : O shabti , allotted to me , if I be summoned or if I be detailed to do any work which has to be done in the realm of the dead ;if indeed obstacles are implanted for you therewith as a amn at his duties , you shall detail yourself for me on every occasion of making arable the fields , of flooding the banks or of conveying s... Free Essays on Ancient Egypt and Judiac Civilization Free Essays on Ancient Egypt and Judiac Civilization Ancient Egypt and Judiac Civilization are two of the three Primitive Civilizations. They lived in different places and they also belived in different religions. The Egyptians were believeing in polytheistic religion.There were lots of Gods and Goddesses they believed. The Egyptians believed that the soul of the dead body travel into the afterlife at their first night after death. They believed the dead body must be mummified to reach eternal life. They also believed that there were a judge after death and if you can pass the judgement, you would have a journey from East to the West to have peace.East was named as Thermopolis and west was named as Heliapolis.At the judgement ;Maat,who was the Goddess of truth, balance and order , was the judge. The heart of the dead person was getting balanced by the feather on Maat’s head. If the heart is lighter than the feather , it can continue to the journey to Heliapolis. If the heart is heavier than the feather , Anubis , who was the guardian of Necropolis , eats the heart. So the soul of the dead body dies forever. For the ones who passed the judge , there is a Book of The Dead .This book is replaced to the curve of the dead person. The aim of the book is to help the dead person to reach Heliapolis. This book is set as a guide or a map. This book is thicker to rich people and there are names on it for the rich people. It is thinner for the poor people and instead of names , people are mentione as â€Å"X† or â€Å"N† for the word â€Å"noble† . Egyptian people had funerary figures named â€Å"shabti†. Shabtis were mentioned in The Book of The Dead at the spell six : O shabti , allotted to me , if I be summoned or if I be detailed to do any work which has to be done in the realm of the dead ;if indeed obstacles are implanted for you therewith as a amn at his duties , you shall detail yourself for me on every occasion of making arable the fields , of flooding the banks or of conveying s...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Example of a College Research Paper

Example of a College Research Paper How Phone Applications Help Students with Studies We are witnessing a huge technological growth, which has completely integrated into our lives. Actually, these changes aim to improve quality of our everyday lives: whether we are at work, at college or spending time at work. For both students and teachers, technology has become an irreplaceable tool. Tutors have a chance to get additional materials online and help students learn as much as possible. Students, in their turn, can also search necessary information, gather and research data from various sources. In addition, there are multiple apps, which aim to simplify the educational process. We have applications for every occasion and they can greatly assist us not depending on the situation. However, are they helpful when it comes to education? What are the pros and cons? Despite all the obvious benefits, they also have some negative aspects all of you need to know. Every day we use our smartphones to log in to personal emails, make purchases, buy tickets and book hotels, order food delivery, make utility payments and so on. The whole world opens its horizons if you have a smartphone and internet connection. That is why it is difficult to imagine how we can effectively operate without our phones. They are small and mobile, while laptops can occupy lots of space, which is very inconvenient for those, who are always on the go and don’t like taking heavy bags with them. For tutors and professors, mobile applications can be of a great use not only because of access to a huge volume of information. They can also use online sources to study, make researches, complete fieldwork and cooperate with other teachers across the world. Such apps also give a chance to get relevant information even during the educational process, which is crucial for many students. There are also apps, which help tutors to manage their time, class and administration of lectures. Students, who have downloaded apps for their education process, find it much easier to track various locations inside their campus, follow different events and schedules, get fresh information on school guidelines or simply make sure they don’t forget about all the activities they are taking part in. Applications also help students to research a huge amount of information, especially inside a certain library. They can help you find necessary information in a blink of an eye, without a need to go to a library and spend hours, looking for a book you need. In addition, with the help of a smartphone, students can download samples of various assignments and find information on how to complete a research paper or any other assignment. By making a few clicks students can track their educational progress, check their grades, improve skills and practice on a certain subject. Such apps can become a source of communication inside small groups of students, where they share curriculum and important information on the educational process. As a bonus, there are apps for different surveys, which help administration to improve life of the students. If you think that all these benefits are not enough, we can provide you with additional examples! Teachers can send messages to students, who had to miss the class, fill in reports, create forums or class groups for linking students and sharing important information. It helps them to save time, as there is no need to resend same information to every student or print our papers to hang in college hall. In addition, the biggest and the most important benefit of such apps, is that tutors become closer to students. They can create a stronger relationship, share experience and make bonds for an effective and long-lasting communication. In order to be able to create quality conditions, modern educational system needs to adjust to technologies and apply all of their innovations. In such a way, the quality of knowledge will improve and students will be able to learn more, using a huge amount of resources and improve their writing skills by downloading samples of research papers to get familiar with all the guidelines. However, there are not only benefits but also drawbacks of the presence of various apps in the education system. That is why we need to be aware of all of them to be able to minimize the risks and negative effects on the industry. First and probably the most important negative effect is that teachers, both at high school and college, want to fit such apps into their traditional education believes. However, as practice shows, it always leads to misunderstandings and no one can benefit from such an approach. Using apps should help the educational process and not vice versa. Another drawback is that longer assignments, like descriptive essays or research papers, can be quite big and it is difficult to complete them on a smartphone or a tablet. You will probably need to complete them on a laptop or a personal computer and then transfer to your smartphone. Such tasks are also quite difficult to check if your tutor uses a smartphone. We can go on naming both positive and negative aspects of using apps in education but one thing remains clear: every tutor or educational establishment needs to do everything he can to improve the quality of performance and help students get quality knowledge on every possible subject. It is necessary to use all the possible methods and tools to help students grow up in educated and skilled adults, being able to overcome various life situations. It is not a secret that students find it hard to keep up with all the tasks and assignments throughout college years and adding interest to the educational process can be a great way to boost their results. Are you an educator, who wants to help students succeed in class? Then put aside your traditional outlook on education and help them to get the maximum out of the process! Upload a research paper sample and give access to the whole class. Use various testing apps to check knowledge of the audience and prepare it for exams. With the help of such apps, you will be able to control their results, learn more about their weak and strong sides, and help everyone to improve. Education is going beyond learning and teaching, as it is a way to help an individual to get ready for an adult life. With its help, youngsters can obtain new skills, decide what they want to do with their lives and create a solid background for future actions and experience. An educator needs to help students to set goals and give instruments to achieve them. That is why it is crucial to improve the educational process and make it closer to the students. They are spending hours, checking social media, communicating, reading articles and watching videos, so the best way to reach them is by using a smartphone. You need to realize that modern technologies are occupying strong positions and the only way of reaching youngsters is to use smartphone apps. Teachers can upload lectures and all class materials by using various applications and it will greatly improve the quality of education. The only question is whether an institution is ready to welcome modern technologies to their lives, concentrating on online learning. It is important to accept the fact that students get most of the information from their phones, so it is crucial to use such devices in education. Can you imagine how much money a student can save on educational materials? Books are very expensive and not everyone can afford them. Apart from tuition fees, students have to pay for a living, clothes and simple life joys, so it is necessary to give them a chance to reduce spending. With the help of mobile apps, students will get access to libraries and costly books, being able to save impressive sums of money. Welcoming mobile apps into everyday education has its weak and strong sides. Such applications can help tutors create a strong bond among students, help to gather information and make lectures as interesting as possible. It is also a great way to keep track of students’ performance and send mass messages to the class, saving lots of personal time. In addition, students can get access to a huge volume of information and complete researches in a better way. However, not all educators are willing to welcome smartphone apps to their lives, sticking to traditional educational approaches. There are still lots of things to be done and achieved but it is obvious that benefits of educational apps greatly outnumber their drawbacks. Youngsters spend all of their free time online, so it is important to use all the tools to bring education closer and grab interest of the audience. This may be a great motivation and help students get a fresh outlook on the subject. In addition, students will be able to get a free access to various books, tools and resources, which are quite costly if buying their printed versions.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Exclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Social Exclusion - Essay Example As the discussion explores social exclusion can be seen as an â€Å"analytical concept† which guides us to the means by which social structures can result in poverty. De Haan emphasizes the need to use social exclusion in development studies, stressing that it helps focus attention on the important aspects of deprivation, is equally important in making analysis and policies, and shows us the fact that deprivation is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. This paper declares that the World Bank has adopted social exclusion as an issue, stating that: â€Å"Discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, race, religion, or social status can lead to social exclusion and lock people into long-term poverty traps†. Regional and country studies on social exclusion have included sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, India, Tanzania, Brazil, Yemen and Peru. The importance of social exclusion as a concept, vis-à  -vis poverty, is that it provides a â€Å"broader view of deprivation and disadvantage than poverty†. The important consideration in the social exclusion discourse is how it can be measured and indicators set that are distinct from poverty. Robinson and Oppenheim noted that â€Å"it is as yet unclear how one would define, measure and track social and political exclusion.† There have also been criticisms on social exclusion for its emphasis on the â€Å"residual rather than relational aspects of poverty† and tha t â€Å"exclusion has replaced exploitation†.

Analytical Procedures Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analytical Procedures Report - Essay Example While auditing a client, the analytical procedures are performed by the auditor at all stages of the audit. In planning stage, the analytical procedures are performed to gain a better understanding of the entity and identify and assess any risks that contradict the auditor’s basic understanding of the entity. At performance stage, the analytical procedures are performed as substantive procedures. The use of substantive analytical procedures during the audit increases the efficiency of the audit. The auditor shall also perform analytical procedures near the audit end. Those procedures will help the auditor to form an overall conclusion to evaluate whether the Financial Statements of the entity are consistent with the understanding of the auditor about the entity. During the audit, the analytical procedures may be applied by the auditor on the assertions of Completeness, Existence, Classification and Accuracy. Analytical procedures may be performed through various methods. These methods include simple comparisons and also complex mathematical and statistical analyses using advanced statistical formulae. The following mathematical and statistical tools are mostly used as analytical procedures: Financial ratio analysis Trend analysis Regression analysis Indicators analysis RATIO ANALYSIS: It is the most commonly used technique of financial analysis. The technique uses the study of relationships among several elements of the financial information. Various ratios may be found by using the formulae on the financial information of the company. The comparison may also be made by calculating ratios for the prior periods or the ratios for the competitor company. JD Sports Fashion PLC is a company engaged in selling and distribution sports goods and apparel. The company is the prospective audit client. Sports Direct International PLC is also engaged in the retailing and wholesale distribution of sports clothing, footwear and apparel. Thus, it stands as a strong comp etitor of JD Sports Fashion PLC. Financial Ratio Formulae JD Sports Fashion PLC Sports Direct International PLC 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 Current Ratio Current Assets/ Current Liabilities 0.95 1.14 1.29 1.45 1.29 Acid Test Ratio Quick Assets/ Current Liabilities 0.30 0.50 0.73 0.87 0.53 Debt Ratio Total Liabilities/ Total Assets 0.57 0.53 0.54 0.50 0.64 Debt Coverage Ratio (Net Profit + Non-cash expense)/ Total debt 0.35 0.44 0.42 0.45 0.21 Return on Assets (Net Income/ Total Assets) x 100% 12.34% 11.11% 13.96% 15.19% 9.08% Return on Total Equity (Net Income/ Total Equity) x 100% 28.48% 23.62% 30.71% 30.35% 25.13% Net Profit Margin (Net Income/ Net Sales) x 100% 3.98% 3.65% 5.55% 6.32% 5.20% Cash Flow from Operations to Net Income Cash Flow from Operations/ Net Income 2.39 2.21 1.77 1.35 2.21 Cash flow Liquidity Ratio (Cash + Marketable Securities)/ Current Liabilities 0.13 0.28 0.49 0.62 0.21 The Ratio analysis, a tool of analytical procedures, may be used while making a decision ab out the financial performance of the entity. This will also assist the auditor to focus on any unusual deviations from expected amounts and thus, to evaluate whether these may cause a significant risk. The above table shows the financial ratios of JD Sports Fash

Friday, October 18, 2019

Dewey and the New Vocationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dewey and the New Vocationalism - Essay Example John Dewey argues that workers often become no more than "industrial fodder" in a society controlled by money interests. Denied access to information and accumulated wisdom, workers are disempowered and removed from the realm of decision-making. This reality holds dramatic implications for the health of a democratic society. One such issue in the early 1900s was the proposal that industrial education be provided for children leaving school at twelve or fourteen. The need for this education was manifest in the glaring unfitness of such boys and girls for the work into which nearly all of them went. Not being able to hold their jobs, they drifted from place to place where they learned nothing and where advance became impossible. Educators, social workers, parents, employers, and organizations such as the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education had long advocated vocational education for these children; more recently some state legislatures had taken up the matter. Dewey, having long recognized the need of industrial education, was one of its strongest supporters. Dewey aligned himself with those who favored a single, integrated system of education. He agreed that the dual system would involve costly duplication; that it would nullify much of what had been done in enriching and revitalizing traditional academic education by taking out of the traditional system those manual, industrial, and vocational activities just recently put in; and that it would tend to promote social cleavages among both children and adults. For Dewey: a society in which every person shall be occupied in something which makes the lives of others worth living, and which makes the ties which bind people together more perceptible...It denotes a state of affairs in which the interest of each in his work is uncoerced and intelligent...[19] Another concern of Dewey was that a narrowly conceived approach to vocational education would perpetuate social divisions and in a hardened form, for both the employers and the employees would be intellectually limited. This could leave the employer class confined to issues of profit and power, and the employee class concerned only with monetary return from their labor. This would involve a limitation of intelligence to "technical and non-humane, non-liberal channels."[20] Dewey urged to adopt the integrated system already in use in some of the country's more progressive schools. The old time general, academic education is beginning to be vitalized by the introduction of manual, industrial and social activities; it is beginning to recognize its responsibility to train all the youth for useful citizenship, including a calling in which each may render useful service to society and make an honest and decent living. (1913, p. 144). (Morgan V. Lewis 2001) Everywhere the existing school system is beginning to be alive to the need of supplementary agencies to help it fulfill this purpose, and is taking tentative but

Summarizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Summarizing - Essay Example His mother did everything to ensure that he gained education that would give him a bureaucratic career, and Kemal excelled in school where he was nicknamed as such, to mean the perfect one, since he was bright and excellent in mathematics (Kemal, 3). After his school, he joined the military training college in 1899 and starting 1919, he embarked on a mission to save his country from the European invasion. He was selected as a loyal and professional officer of the Turkish army and he headed to Anatolia on May 19, 1919, where he offered a famous speech against the European invasion (Kemal, 4). Having got no ample support due to opposition from the Sultan, Kumal resigned from the military on July 7 1919 only to join another wing of the military that allowed him to gain an official status. This position he applied to his advantage and fought for the independence of Turkey from the Greeks who had occupied their territory, and eventually Turkey gained independence after a series of battles. Although money can buy many things, Saudi Arabia is one of the countries in the world with immense wealth, yet its people, even the very rich ones are not happy (The Economist, n.p.). While they may have as much money, which can be reflected in the enormous country’s GDP which runs into $745 billion, the structure of the society, in form of the social, political and religious structures have remained one of the most stifling (The Economist, n.p.). This means that the people in Saudi Arabia, whose population is approximately 30 million, have less freedom to enjoy their wealth. The government stifles this freedom either with money or threats. The influence of the Saudi regime has also been extended to its neighboring countries, where the country has become erratic and assertive in supporting its perceived friendly regimes, while opposing the regimes it finds threatening (The Economist,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Influence of Internet Marketing on the Effectiveness Dissertation

The Influence of Internet Marketing on the Effectiveness - Dissertation Example Review of Related Literature Introduction One of the most relevant developments over the past years has been the progress exemplified by the Internet with which Internet adoption has significantly increased for marketing activities and opportunities. The Internet allows individuals to exchange ideas, send e-mails, shop for products, have access to news, and obtain business information (Armstrong and Kotler 2000). Internet usage for marketing increases the availability of information compared to conventional forms of media (e.g. TV, radio, print) with a moderately low cost for entry. Consumers are able to access the Internet and search for products, and purchase these at any given time, thus increased convenience. When companies are capable of offering convenience to its customers, such as through certain individualized customer services, they will eventually result to the increase of value offered by businesses and enable customers to experienced increased levels of satisfaction (Tsiotsou and Vlachopoulou 2010). Internet usa ge is also a cost-effective means of carrying out marketing operations as it can result to a reduced requirement for sales force members. On the whole, using the Internet to support marketing activities can lead to the expansion of businesses, from local to national/international markets, thus increased opportunities for growth. The following sections will then look into SMEs and their experience with the integration of Internet in their marketing operations. Internet and Marketing Activities in SMEs ... To determine the impact of Internet usage on marketing activities of SMEs. Review of Related Literature Introduction One of the most relevant developments over the past years has been the progress exemplified by the Internet with which Internet adoption has significantly increased for marketing activities and opportunities. The Internet allows individuals to exchange ideas, send e-mails, shop for products, have access to news, and obtain business information (Armstrong and Kotler 2000). Internet usage for marketing increases the availability of information compared to conventional forms of media (e.g. TV, radio, print) with a moderately low cost for entry. Consumers are able to access the Internet and search for products, and purchase these at any given time, thus increased convenience. When companies are capable of offering convenience to its customers, such as through certain individualized customer services, they will eventually result to the increase of value offered by businesse s and enable customers to experienced increased levels of satisfaction (Tsiotsou and Vlachopoulou 2010). Internet usage is also a cost-effective means of carrying out marketing operations as it can result to a reduced requirement for sales force members. On the whole, using the Internet to support marketing activities can lead to the expansion of businesses, from local to national/international markets, thus increased opportunities for growth. The following sections will then look into SMEs and their experience with the integration of Internet in their marketing operations. Internet and Marketing Activities in SMEs The technologies that the Internet has integrated into businesses have enhanced the

Expansion of The Federal Governments Power Essay

Expansion of The Federal Governments Power - Essay Example If the federal government is not powerful enough, then conflicts are expected between the federal and state governments. In order for the country to stay united, it is important for the federal government to be more powerful. These are the cases that occurred in the early 1800 during the expansion of the federal government’s power:In Marbury v. Madison (1803), which is one of the landmark cases, it was decided that if the congress violates a law of the constitution, the Supreme Court could go against it (Lively and Weaver). In the national bank case McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) (Hall and Patrick) the court ordered that the establishment of a national bank would be acceptable by the interstate commerce clause. In Martin v. Hunter's Lessee (1816) and Cohens v. Virginia (1821), it was announced that appeals submitted by state courts can be heard by the Supreme Court (White). The superiority of the federal government over state laws was confirmed in McCulloch and Barron v. Baltimo re in 1833 (Drakeman)The author states that the major issues that occurred in the expansion of the federal government were as briefly discussed above it is proven through these cases that every time there is a significant issue the government has to go an extra mile and it has to use its power in order to resolve it.Establishment of a federal commission under the President Obama to fight against sexual assault is taking the time for the implementation as the number of victims is very high, and most of the schools have failed.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Influence of Internet Marketing on the Effectiveness Dissertation

The Influence of Internet Marketing on the Effectiveness - Dissertation Example Review of Related Literature Introduction One of the most relevant developments over the past years has been the progress exemplified by the Internet with which Internet adoption has significantly increased for marketing activities and opportunities. The Internet allows individuals to exchange ideas, send e-mails, shop for products, have access to news, and obtain business information (Armstrong and Kotler 2000). Internet usage for marketing increases the availability of information compared to conventional forms of media (e.g. TV, radio, print) with a moderately low cost for entry. Consumers are able to access the Internet and search for products, and purchase these at any given time, thus increased convenience. When companies are capable of offering convenience to its customers, such as through certain individualized customer services, they will eventually result to the increase of value offered by businesses and enable customers to experienced increased levels of satisfaction (Tsiotsou and Vlachopoulou 2010). Internet usa ge is also a cost-effective means of carrying out marketing operations as it can result to a reduced requirement for sales force members. On the whole, using the Internet to support marketing activities can lead to the expansion of businesses, from local to national/international markets, thus increased opportunities for growth. The following sections will then look into SMEs and their experience with the integration of Internet in their marketing operations. Internet and Marketing Activities in SMEs ... To determine the impact of Internet usage on marketing activities of SMEs. Review of Related Literature Introduction One of the most relevant developments over the past years has been the progress exemplified by the Internet with which Internet adoption has significantly increased for marketing activities and opportunities. The Internet allows individuals to exchange ideas, send e-mails, shop for products, have access to news, and obtain business information (Armstrong and Kotler 2000). Internet usage for marketing increases the availability of information compared to conventional forms of media (e.g. TV, radio, print) with a moderately low cost for entry. Consumers are able to access the Internet and search for products, and purchase these at any given time, thus increased convenience. When companies are capable of offering convenience to its customers, such as through certain individualized customer services, they will eventually result to the increase of value offered by businesse s and enable customers to experienced increased levels of satisfaction (Tsiotsou and Vlachopoulou 2010). Internet usage is also a cost-effective means of carrying out marketing operations as it can result to a reduced requirement for sales force members. On the whole, using the Internet to support marketing activities can lead to the expansion of businesses, from local to national/international markets, thus increased opportunities for growth. The following sections will then look into SMEs and their experience with the integration of Internet in their marketing operations. Internet and Marketing Activities in SMEs The technologies that the Internet has integrated into businesses have enhanced the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

UN- Nato involvement in Bosnia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UN- Nato involvement in Bosnia - Essay Example The initial step in that direction happened in 1989 when Serbia overturned Kosovos independence by sending their troops. After Milosevic was elected president of Serbia in 1989, Serbia tried to impose its authority on the rest of the country. As a counter reaction, Slovenia and Croatia seceded and declared their independence in 1991. Fighting immediately broke out with the Serbian forces moving into Slovenia. Although, European Community (EC) delegation negotiated a ceasefire, with Serbian forces withdrawing from Slovenia, it did not last for long. Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina also declared its independence, thus completing the disintegration of Yugoslavia. However the Serbian forces led by Milosevic captured 65% of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territory, proclaiming it as the Serbian Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina although, it comprised of just 30% of the population. The Croats for their part also seized a sizable portion of Bosnia, leaving the majority Muslim population only minor territory, including the capital Sarajevo. To seize the Muslim territories as well, the Serbian forces launched armed assault against the poorly armed Muslim and indulged in ethnic cleansing. With this conflict accentuating further, UN in association with NATO entered the scenario. â€Å"UN entered the Yugoslav crisis as late as in September 1991 when the UN Security Council adopted resolution No.713 imposing arms embargo on all territory of Yugoslavia† (CEEISA). At the outset itself, UN’s arms embargo did not provide the desired peace. Although UN was able to impose arms embargo on the sea, it could do it on the land, thus giving free hand to the already armed Serbian forces. While the Croatian and the Bosnian forces only had minimum light weaponry and lacked heavy weapons, tanks and aircraft which explained the Serb superiority in battlefield. (CEEISA). The next step UN took was the formation of United Nations

Monday, October 14, 2019

Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Discussion and Summary Essay I dont know if there is a universal correct definition of critical thinking. I think this a very individualistic tool used by humans to break down different problems and situations and the best way to go about coming up with the best resolution in a non-biased manner. Gathering a thought process that is reasonable and with demeanor. This is simply how I would personally define critical thinking. Thinking things over more than once, second guessing yourself here and there, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and most importantly thinking if your thoughts would be different from the other side of an argument or situation. I think critical thinking is important for us to fully understand ourselves and our situations as well as others and their situations. Critical thinking is considering multiple angles and viewpoints and trying to understand them and where they come from, as well as why they exist. In my life personally, critical thinking has always been something I would like to think Ive had due to being raised in a very diverse atmosphere and a very diverse community. Ive seen racism towards more than one race, Ive seen both sides of different biases, and I have lived in a small town closed minded community as well as the middle of a large densely populated city. It makes you think differently than most around you. It seems like you feel differently than most around you. There isnt much that surprises you so there arent many situations that you are uncomfortable in. You think before you act, you think before you speak, and you take time and consideration to realize the type of environment you are in and the people you are surrounded by. Things like this dont go through every young persons mind before acting or speaking. You slow down, you react calmer, and you try not to get too high or too low. From this course I dont think Im looking for how to think critically as much as why some of us do think critically and some of us dont. I think Im looking for more reasoning for the differential than a definition of critical thinking.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Robb Whites Deathwatch Essays -- Deathwatch Robb White Essays

Robb White's Deathwatch Imagine you've been hired to be a hunting guide in the desert when you?re the guy that is being hunted. Your customer accidentally shot an old prospector whom nobody knows and doesn?t want to go to jail for it. So he makes you take off all your clothes and tells you to try to walk to town, which happens to be 60 miles from where you are. With no food and no water you are forced to walk or do what you need to do, to try to stay alive. So you wander in the desert mountains trying to find water while being watched through a ten-power scope of a .358 caliber Winchester Magnum. Well, that is what Ben had to face when Madec hired him to be a hunting guide in Deathwatch, by Robb White. It all started out when Madec hired Ben because of his field in working in the desert. When Madec saw a white figure through his ten-power scope on his .358 caliber Winchester Magnum, he fired saying he saw horns on it. When they walked up there, Madec confessed that he did not see horns on the animal, and requested to go on hunting and not waste time finding it and bringing it to the jeep. But Ben insisted on either bringing it in to the jeep or to burry it in the desert sand. But Madec had known what he had done, and kept persisting to go on and not waste time because it is a once in a lifetime chance to go hunting for bighorn sheep, and he didn?t want to go home empty handed. So when they got to the body of the sheep, Ben discovered that it was a human. The .358 caliber Winchester Magnum bullet had done fearful damage, blasting the man?s lungs out through his back. Madec was mad that Ben had found out what had happened, and said they should burry the man and never talk about him a gain. But, good ol? honest Ben wasn?t about to make a mistake; he wanted to report the accident to the sheriff. So he went down to go get the jeep, and on his way back up, he heard 2 gunshots. When he got up there, he asked what Madec was doing with the gun and Madec said he was seeing how it was shot. Then Madec went on to the body, and said that the man had been shot before, twice. Madec had tried to cover up his mistake. Then, Madec got mad and said that he didn?t want to go to town to report an accident because he might go to jail. Then he held the gun up to Ben, and told him to take all his clothes off and walk to town. So Ben took off, not knowing what to do. He... ...ngle time, until Madec stopped going for the .358. Then, Ben tied Madec up, and put him in the jeep. He then salvaged the stuff for the car and headed for town. Once in town, he headed directly to the Sheriff?s Office. When he got there he told the sheriff what happened, then they both, Ben and Madec went to the doctor. When they were in the doctor?s office, the doctor examined them both. When Ben went back to the sheriff?s, Madec went to the hospital, the sheriff arrested Ben. Ben told the truth about what happened, but they couldn?t understand what Madec did. They believed what Madec had said. When the trial came along, things were looking badly for Ben. Until the doctor stepped out. The doctor had found Ben?s slingshot, and said that he examined the dead guy, and found that the .358 bullet killed him. Ben was no longer arrested. They took him back to the sheriff?s office, where Ben didn?t report a crime of murder or aggravated assault, he reported an accident. If you really enjoy a fast paced, action packed book with a crazy maniac as the bad guy; if you like to read books about survival in the desert; if you love action books with a touch of death, you?ll love Deathwatch.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dentistry :: essays research papers

I began this paper with certain ideas regarding the carries process. It is a known fact that fluoride helps to prevent carious lesions. Not a whole lot of studies or information is out there on what I sought out to find. That would be the relationship between calcium phosphate and carious lesions. I am familiar with the remineralization process of enamel, and so I decided my topic would appropriately be that calcium phosphate can prevent carious lesions by helping to remineralize the enamel. It was difficult to find material to support this topic. While researching, I came across numerous products that contain calcium phosphate and claim to what I would like it to do.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Carious lesions don’t just develop over night. It is a process and it takes a long time, any where from six months to two years. Dental caries is a dynamic process characterized by alternating periods of demineralization and remineralization (Harris and Garcia-Godoy 45). Enamel is composed of densely packed hydroxyapatite crystals. The hydroxyapatite crystals are made up of tricalcium phosphate. During demineralization this is what is lost. Once enough of this mineral is lost, part of the tooth structure will collapse forming a cavity. Remineralization is when those ions lost are redeposited in a demineralized area. It all starts small. We have that wonderful acquired pellicle which is like fly paper for bacteria. When the bacteria accumulates a plaque is now present. The bacterial plaque will produce acids, which can eventually cause the enamel structure to collapse (Winston 1580).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since calcium and phosphate are what is lost during demineralization, for the remineralization to occur we must replace these minerals. Saliva naturally contains calcium and phosphate (Winston 1580). Each person can have a different salivary concentration of these minerals. It was found that men have a higher concentration of salivary calcium than women (Sewon 917). There are any number of factors that play hand in hand with a high level of salivary calcium. High calcium content of the saliva gives us a high rate of remineralization after initial demineralization. It was noted that the number of decayed, missing, or filled teeth was lower in patients with high salivary calcium (males). Some drawbacks to having this much mineral content in the saliva are more bleeding on probing. This is due to an increase in plaque. It was also found that this calcium rich plaque hardens very rapidly.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Free education Essay

When Thomas Edison set out to create the light bulb, his intention was to reduce the amount of time that people spent sleeping. His idea was that if people had light to work by they could and would work longer hours. In his mind, sleep was something that was not needed and stood opposed to progress (Coren, 1996). â€Å"Anything which tends to slow work down is a waste. We are always hearing people talk about ‘loss of sleep’ as a calamity. They better call it loss of time, vitality, and opportunity. † -Thomas Edison Even great minds, like Edison’s, can be wrong at times. Some researchers argue that had Edison spent more time sleeping it would not have taken him more than 1000 attempts to create his light bulb. Research has shown that lack of sleep can have adverse effects on an individual’s physical health, mental health, and productivity. The information presented in this paper will address the importance of sleep in human health, safety, and productivity. First, some physical issues attributed to sleep deprivation will be discussed. Next, mental problems linked to lack of sleep with be outlined with documented cases. Lastly, examples of errors and disasters that have been tied to sleep deprivation will be presented. There are many physical issues that are linked to sleep deprivation. Cardiovascular problems and greater risk of death have been tied to lack of sleep. The human body requires sleep to restore and repair itself. When the body does not get the rest it requires the consequences can be quite unfortunate. Poor sleep has been shown to increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke, and heart attack. The human liver produces a protein called â€Å"C-reactive protein† that is used by the body to aid in response to inflammation, injury, or infection and is removed by the body when the inflammation, injury, or infection is gone or heals. This protein binds to damaged cells, as well as some bacteria, to aid in removing them from the body. This allows the body to heal. One study showed that over a period of five days during which a subject was denied sleep, the C-reactive protein builds up in blood at a steady and significant rate. Sleeping allows the body time to process and remove these proteins. An increase of these proteins can at times lead to heart attack, stroke, or high blood pressure (Meier-Ewert , Ridker , Rifai, Regan, Price, Dinges & Mullington, 2004). The body is able to restore itself and heal when given between six and eight hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. While a person sleeps the immune system is working to restore and revive the body. When the human body is not granted enough sleep, the immune system is not able to fully complete the task of taking care of and healing the body. Lack of sleep can also cause the number of T-cells to decline in the human body. T-cells aid in immunity and assist other cells in their functions. Lower T-cell levels mean that the body is less able to fight off infection, subdue inflammation, or heal an injury (Mann, 2010). When the body is unable to heal itself, there is greater risk of death. Sleep deprivation can also lead to an increase of stress, which has been linked to heart disease, obesity, depression, gastrointestinal issues, as well as mental heath issues. Allowing the body to rest and rejuvenate during sleep helps ensure that many physical issues associated with the lack of sleep can be avoided. Another way that lack of sleep increases the chance of early death is in traffic accidents. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration gives a conservative estimate that 100,000 reported crashes per year are a result of a fatigued driver (â€Å"Facts and stats† 2012). Mental illness has also been linked to lack of sleep. Issues ranging from poor concentration, inability to focus, memory loss, the appearance of psychosis, and diagnosed mental disorders have been attributed to sleep deprivation. In the past, researchers believed that poor sleep was caused by psychiatric problems. However, recent research is showing that a lack of sleep is usually the catalyst of mental disorders. When the human body needs to concentrate or focus when it has not had enough sleep, it produces hormones adrenaline and cortisol in an attempt to engage and wake itself up. These hormones give the body a short-term boost in energy and they affect the body in much the same way that caffeine does. Once the boost in energy is finished, the body often â€Å"crashes† and a person returns to feeling tired; unable to concentrate or focus again. These hormones, again like caffeine, often make a person feel jittery of jumpy, which may impede concentration and focus. These hormones have also been directly linked to increase stress in the human body (Hart, 1985). Memory loss can also be a result of sleep deprivation. Memories are captured and recalled in the brain by a three-step process. The first step in creating memories is acquisition; where a person has their first experience with what will become the memory. The next is consolidation; which occurs while a person sleeps. In this step a memory becomes stable in a persons brain. Recall, the final step, is the ability to access the memory in the future. When the brain is denied the opportunity to stabilize a memory during sleep, a person is much less likely to retain the memory (Chang, 2011). Studies have also shown that students who study regularly and get a good night sleep before exams generally do better than students who â€Å"cram† the night before. The information that the student needs is better solidified in the brain and is ready for recall when the student needs to access the information (Sifferlin, Augu). Symptoms of psychosis have also been directly tied to sleep deprivation. In at least two documented cases, persons who went without sleep for extended periods of time showed symptoms similar to psychosis. In 1964 Randy Gardner attempted to gain entry into the Guiness Book of Work Records by staying awake for eleven days (264 hours). Gardner suffered a gamut of symptoms. Days two through five found Gardner unable to concentrate, irritable, unwilling to cooperate with others, and hallucinating. During days six through nine Gardner’s speech slowed, his irritability increased, and he began to have lapses in his memory. He often would begin sentences without finishing them and he had difficulty recalling the names of common objects. Paranoia began to set in on day ten. On day eleven, Gardner’s speech was slurred and without intonation. He seemed expressionless and had to be encouraged to talk or respond to someone talking to him (Ross, 1965). A similar story is told of Peter Tripp, a disk jockey from New York. In an effort to raise money for the March of Dimes, Tripp stayed awake for 200 hours. He showed many of the same symptoms that Gardner did. Tripp’s experience with sleep deprivation ended with him mistaking a doctor for an undertaker. He charged out of the room with doctors following close behind. Tripp’s mind could no longer determine what was real and what was not (Ross, 1965). With the aid of doctors, Randy Gardner was able to recover completely from his psychotic episode. He was monitored while he slept and eventually returned to normal sleep patterns and a normal state of mind. Peter Tripp, however, suffered from his self-inflicted psychotic break. For some time after his sleepless stunt he thought that he was an impostor of himself and complained of headaches and emotional instability. Lack of sleep can also affect how people perform at their jobs. Routine and remedial tasks are often affected by a lack of sleep. Simple errors, such as spelling, grammatical, mathematical, or clerical errors are most often made due to a lack of sleep. These errors can either go unnoticed or can be corrected without significant consequence. More significant errors are also attributed to fatigue. Between 50,000 and 100,000 deaths each year are caused by preventable medical errors. Long shifts for doctors, interns, and nurses deny medical professionals sleep required for them to function a high  levels. The nuclear accident at Three Mile Island, the meltdown at Chernobyl, the grounding of the Exxon Valdez, and the explosion of space shuttle Challenger have all been linked to fatigue (Harris, Horne, 2000). â€Å"Sleep deprivation is bad for your brain when you are trying to do high-level [thinking] tasks. It may have serious consequences both on performance and on the way your brain functions. † -J. Christian Gillin, M. D. (DeNoon, 2000) In research and in experience it has been proven that lack of sleep can have adverse effects on an individual’s physical health, mental health, and productivity. An individuals physical health is affected by sleep deprivation by an increased risk of death, cardiovascular problems, and issues with their immune system. A person’s mental health suffers as well from a lack of sleep. Memory loss, inability to concentrate or focus, and even psychotic episodes have been traced to sleep deprivation. Randy Gardner and Peter Tripp are prime examples of what happens to the brain when it goes without sleep. Poor job performance and errors ranging from insignificant to catastrophic have been linked to a lack of sleep. The amount of sleep needed for each individual is different. Where some people are able to function on very little sleep, others need many hours to fully restore and rejuvenate. References Coren, S. (1996). Sleep thieves : an eye-opening exploration into the mystery and science of sleep. New Yok, NY: Free Press Paperbacks. Hart, A. (1985). Adrenaline and stress. United States: W Publishing Group. Meier-Ewert , H. , Ridker , P. , Rifai, N. , Regan, M. , Price, N. , Dinges, D. , & Mullington, M. (2004, February 18). Effect of sleep loss on c-reactive protein, an inflammatory marker of cardiovascular risk.. Retrieved from http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/14975482. Mann, D. (2010, January 19). Can better sleep mean catching fewer colds?. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/sleep-disorders/excessive-sleepiness-10/immune-system-lack-of-sleep Harrison Y, Horne J. 2000. The impact of sleep deprivation on decision making: A review. Retrieved from http://healthysleep. med. harvard. edu/healthy/matters/consequences/sleep-performance-and-public-safety Facts and stats. (2012). Retrieved from http://drowsydriving. org/about/facts-and-stats/ Ross, J. (1965). Neurological findings after prolonged sleep deprivation. Arch Neurol, 12, 399-403. Retrieved from http://www. psychiatrictimes. com/print/article/10168/54471? pageNumber=1&printable=true Chang, L. (2011, March 18). Sleep deprivation and memory loss. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/sleep-disorders/guide/sleep-deprivation-effects-on-memory? page=2 DeNoon, D. (2000, February 09). Lack of sleep takes toll on brain power. Retrieved from http://www. webmd. com/sleep-disorders/news/20000209/lack-of-sleep-takes-toll-on-brain-power Sifferlin, A. (Augu). Time healthland. Retrieved from http://healthland. time. com/2012/08/21/study-or-sleep-for-better-grades-students-should-go-to-bed-early/ EFFECTS OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION1.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Nigeria Labor Practices and Policies

For the past years the company has been experiencing hampered development in terms of production and distribution of our clothing line. This slow setback has been seen as a result of inadequate marketing railing against exposure and product brand recall. Erroneous decisions in market positioning have also been some of the factors that resulted to poor outcome thus hindering the company's gain for profit. This paper is geared towards exploring new avenues with regards to new locations in the clothing line market. We would try to investigate three referred locations in countries in Latin America and Africa, namely Bolivia, Sri Lanka and Nigeria. As part of our initial recommendation, this paper would be focusing its first part of the report to the country of Nigeria. Based on preliminary investigation done, Nigeria is being viewed as the most conducive and most advantageous among the three countries in this case study. All of the necessary issues and concerns would be tackled and be briefly discussed on the foregoing items. Like any other sovereign country, labor policies in Nigeria are being controlled and monitored by the government. Labor union practices are allowed by the state, as part of the international community, Nigeria has signed and ratified the International Labor Organization's (ILO) convention on freedom of association and the creation of labor union. however, prior (military) rulers recognized a single central labor body, the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC), thereby de-legitimizing other unions. Except for members of the armed forces and selected employees essential by the government, Nigerian workers in all levels may join trade unions and strike. Employees essential to government operations include firefighters, police, employees of the central bank, the security printers (printers of currency, passports, and government forms), and customs and excise staff. Collective bargaining is widespread in many sectors of the economy. Nigerian law specifically the Nigerian Industrial Courts, an independent arm of the judiciary protects workers from retaliation by employers for labor activity. In terms of the protection of Nigerian Children against child labor, Nigeria's 1974 labor decree prohibits employment of children under 15 years of age in commerce and industry and restricts other child labor to home-based agricultural or domestic work. The law further stipulates that no person under the age of 16 may be employed for more than eight hours per day. The decree allows the apprenticeship of youths under specific conditions Labor laws in Nigeria also enforce strict compliance on the safety of its workers. Just compensation for injured workers and dependent survivors of those killed in industrial accidents are rigorously being imposed on employers. Cultural Attitude Towards Women and Children As in many ethnically diverse countries, women's role in Nigeria is based on ethnic and regional differences. Majority of the Nigerian women that are still secluded under Islamic beliefs and principles are commonly less educated and sometimes hindered from formal education. Most of urban Nigerian Women are working as stall vendors operating small stalls. Even in elite families of the society, Nigerian women's presence in social gatherings and other functions are either non-existent or very controlled. However, in contemporary times Nigerian women's presence in modern society is rising but is still a long foreseeable future for Nigerian women's role in a country dominated by the principles of old of the male gender. Children are treated as a part of the minority of the society. As mentioned on labor laws being enforced by the government, children are allowed to work providing they are not below 16 years old. In western nations the legal working age of children or minors are 18 and above, this fact just shows that opportunities for children to work is open at a younger age in Nigeria. At present, Nigerian fashion is greatly influenced by both Nigerian ethnic culture and western influence. The presence of diverse style in terms of influences has come a long way in Nigerian fashion. Many noted personalities in the country evolved as icon in the Nigerian fashion industry, many of them have international recognition. Nigeria has designers like Maufechi, Divine, Monami, Kess Jabari, Meggito to mention a few. The presence of Nollywood, the cinematic center of Nigeria similar to that of Hollywood serves as a typical role model to the existing fashion statements in Nigeria. Opral Benson, an African fashion designer par excellence describes fashion as; â€Å"Fashion is continuously changing. You cannot compare the fashions of these days†¦.. Fashion is something which is local, national and international. In short, fashion all over the world is a quite dynamic phenomenon. Fashion trends evolves from ethnic to modern styles, rejuvenating the fashion of early years in Africa towards the influences from Europe and Western countries specifically Afro-American fashion statements from the US. Famous brands from western designers like Versace and Tommy Hill Figger is presently being adored by upper class society in Nigeria, thus only proving that blends in fashion is striving gracefully in the country. Nigeria being the most populated country in the African Continent is considered as a third world developing country. Its people are ethnically divided and have some 250 ethnic groups, with varying languages and customs, creating a country of rich diversity. According to Country Studies, US ; About 70 percent of all Nigerians were still living in farming villages in 1990, although the rural dwellers formed a shrinking proportion of the later force. It was among these people that ways of life remained deeply consistent with the past. Nigerian economy is at its recovery and development stage and is presently undergoing massive reforms to uplift the countries economic standing. The importance of formal education has been one of the primary concerns of the Nigerian Federal Republic and has become the largest social program of the government. At present more than 47% of the age group of 5 to 14 years old have attended primary to secondary schools. The secondary level age-group (ages fifteen to twenty- four) represented approximately 16 percent of the entire population in 1985. English is the official mode of instruction above the secondary level of education. Federal Republic is the form of government of Nigeria. Historically, Nigeria re-achieved democracy in 1999 after a sixteen-year-long interruption by a corrupt and brutal series of military dictators and counter-coups. Corruption is still one of the worse problems that the government is facing. Nevertheless and as always in a third world government, new reforms are being undertaken to subdue art of this problem. The Club of Paris considers the economic reforms and policies of the present government under the leadership of President Olu gun ? basanj? is being considered strong and formidable. With a positive outlook, it must be important to note that the prevailing advantageous situation existing in the Federal Government of Nigeria is in sum conducive and serves as a credible prospect to establish a boutique and a manufacturing plant. The existing labor laws of the country are favorable to the type of employment that the plant will need in its operations. The improving educational level of attainment and literacy rate of the prospective employees will be a key factor in streamlining plant and factory operations. The countries demographics being the largest population in West Africa and social conditions as mentioned on previous case finding points out considerably fair in attaining production growth in terms of sales and distribution of primary clothing line. Government reform policies in its economy and foreign policies will trigger our company's goal to expand and export high quality products produced in the Nigerian based manufacturing plant. Last but not the least, the high fashion sense of Nigerians in terms of garments, in diverse influence and style will be a vast market for our products. The presence of a moving industry like Hollywood will serve as a high level market trend setter that would provide consistent promotion of our clothing line. In summation, Nigeria will not only serve as a good place to establish a manufacturing plant but will also provide the company s a vast market to distribute our products. A country situated in central South America with the present Unity Government headed by President Evo Morales of the Movement Towards Socialism (MTS) Party. The country is highly dominated by indigenous people of Bolivia comprising almost 65% of its population. Bolivia experienced several military government takeovers in the past 5 decades. In terms of Economy, Bolivia is one of the least developed countries in South America and remains to be the poorest among its neighboring nations. Around 65% of the countries population are considered agriculturally dependent and still lives in poverty. The social condition of Bolivia hinders its opportunity to grow as nation. With a large number of grievances coming from the majority of Bolivian indigenous people, ranging from issues like poverty, labor disputes, political issues among other things. Bolivia is still experiencing traditional division of classes of which the working class remains to be in destitute. Political instability has been also a great factor in the slugging economy of the country. The presence of several political parties with contradicting policies and principles thwarts the countries emancipation from political turmoil. Disputes between labor and the state deepened under military rule. Bolivia was a country torn apart by regional, ethnic, class, economic, and political divisions. In terms of education, the present negative standing of Bolivian Government delays the development of general education in the country. Data from US Country Studies on Bolivia detects; Dropout rates also remained extremely high. Only one-third of first graders completed the fifth grade, 20 percent started secondary school, 5 percent began their postsecondary studies, and just 1 percent received a university degree. Dropout rates were higher among girls and rural children. Only about 40 percent of rural youngsters continued their education beyond the third grade. Since poverty is the primary problem of the country, the overall spending of an average family relatively allotted to basic necessities such as food and shelter. Overall the obstructing difficulties surrounding Bolivia's national predicament and dilemma have made our conclusion that the country is the least among the three case study countries to establish a manufacturing plant and boutique. A country founded in the midst of racial difficulties, diversified religion and relatively unstable political system. Having a similar caste system as India, its mother nation, social divisions have had a direct and weighty impact on politics. These obstacles have produced several civil wars and created dent on the national standing of Sri Lanka for the past decades. Ethnic rivalries also add unstable issues among political parties. Unsound political situation and issues regarding security have been a part of the struggle of the economic standing of Sri Lanka. Violence has continued to dominate its criminal and justice system. Enforcement of labor laws and policies are still being considered by analyst as inconsistent. Labor unions are highly politicized with a variety of organizations representing different political parties. With regards to factory and manufacturing operations, certain holidays, cultural and practices such as the working time frame of women deter and delays production. Education, however, have been a primary concern of the government. In the modern educational system of Sri Lanka, within the last four decades the rate of literacy went up to 46%, the number of schools increased by 50%. Teachers place second as part of the government workforces next to the plantation workers. With some positive notes on the standing of Sri Lanka, still the matter of security risk and political and social class instability contributes highly to the reason why our team rejected the country as a prospective location to set up and establish future manufacturing plant and boutique for our new clothing line. If such conditions and issues would be addressed in the near future, Sri Lanka might be considered and be included in future studies.